Physics Potential and Opportunities Subgroup (WG3)


The Physics Potential and Opportunities subgroup fosters studies of the ILC’s physics case outside and across the detector concept groups, including beyond-collider possibilities. In particular this group supports individuals and groups to become newly active in ILC physics. The physics group initiates and coordinates (a) a number of topical groups with open participation, giving a forum for collaboration and discussion between theorists and experimentalists; and (b) task forces dedicated to specific questions, preparing the physics input to upcoming decisions on the ILC accelerator design, and on detector technology choices. Task forces will be common efforts with the other subgroups of IDT-WG3 on interface to the accelerator, detector R&D and Software, depending on the topic. The physics group ensures the connection to, and ILC representation in, relevant particle physics community initiatives (ECFA Higgs Factory Study, Snowmass, …) and documents the ILC physics potential.

The physics goals of the ILC are very similar to those of other proposed e+e- Higgs factories, including the linear colliders CLIC and C3 and the circular colliders FCC-ee and CEPC.  Though there are some specific differences in the experimental environments, there is much more that these proposals have in common.   We will learn more and advance faster toward our goals if we share our insights.  Thus, we invite those interested in all varieties of e+e- Higgs factories to attend and contribute to the physics activities listed below.



We invite interested groups and individuals to join our activities. Please subscribe to our email lists via the following Indico site:

Our meeting agendas can be found here:

Event Calendar

Date/time is shown for CERN time (Geneva/Switzerland).

Working Group conveners

Michael Peskin (SLAC), Aidan Robson (Glasgow), Junping Tian (Tokyo) [Send email]


Topical Groups


Higgs properties

Conveners: Shinya Kanemura (Osaka), Patrick Meade (Stony Brook), Chris Potter (Oregon), Georg Weiglein (DESY) [Send email]


Top/heavy flavour/QCD

Conveners: Adrian Irles (Valencia), Alexander Mitov (Cambridge), Hua-Xing Zhu (Zhejiang) [Send email]


BSM particle production

Conveners: Mikael Berggren (DESY), Shigeki Matsumoto (IPMU), Werner Porod (Wurzburg), Simone Pagan Griso (LBNL) [Send email]


Electroweak physics

Conveners: Wolfgang Kilian (Siegen), Mariarosaria D’Alfonso (MIT), Taikan Suehara (Kyushu), Graham Wilson (Kansas) [Send email]


Global interpretations

Conveners: Tim Cohen (Oregon), Christophe Grojean (DESY), Sven Heinemeyer (Madrid), Sunghoon Jung (Seoul) [Send email]


Modelling and precision theory

Conveners: Gudrun Heinrich (KIT), Stefan Hoeche (FNAL), Zhao Li (IHEP), Juergen Reuter (DESY) [Send email]

