The 2021 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS 2021) is scheduled to take place March 15-18, in an online format, arranged by Europe. LCWS 2021, similar to earlier workshops in this series, is a common ILC and CLIC workshop.
A preliminary version of the workshop Indico page is now available. With a wide programme of plenary and parallel sessions, the workshop aims to offer the opportunity for presenting ongoing work as well as for getting informed or, even better, involved. The main sessions and initial programme are available at the Indico page.
The programme will feature progress on the ILC in Japan as a prominent theme and use the ILC International Development Team (IDT) working groups’ substructure for sessions to review the progress in accelerator design, detector developments and physics studies. The progress of the CLIC studies within the same areas will also be covered, and most sessions and topics will be common. The registration is now open, and we invite everybody to sign up as soon as possible. There is no fee, but registration is needed to access the sessions.
You are all warmly welcome to LCWS 2021.
Steinar Stapnes, on behalf of the Organising Committee