Software and Computing Subgroup (WG3)


1. To contribute to enlarging the ILC community by bringing in new people and groups and facilitating the start-up of their activities.

2. To estimate and plan the computing resources needed for the ILC (space, power, networks, hardware, manpower on site/campus, …) and to establish software and computing as central topics for the pre-lab in support of the EOI/LOI process.

3. To ensure connection to and ILC representation in relevant activities beyond ILC, e.g. key4hep, IRIS-HEP, or in the context of the ECFA Higgs Factory study or Snowmass. The use of common software will facilitate the merger of the different groups after the selection of experiments.

4. To coordinate and request Grid resources (storage and CPU) at different Grid sites for ILC accelerator, detector and physics studies under the ILC VO.


  • We invite interested groups and individuals to join our activities towards realization of the ILC’s software and computing infrastructure.
  • Software tutorials organized by the group can be found at If you would like to give or attend a tutorial or discussion session on a subject related to our activities, please contact the conveners.

Working group conveners

Frank Gaede (DESY), Daniel Jeans (KEK), Jan Strube (PNNL/U. Oregon) [Send Email]
